You could use these to setup gender based or region based (or even both!) reaction roles.

Table of Contents:

Reaction Roles

Allow members to assign roles to themselves.

Subcommand: reactionrole add
Module: reactionroles
Description: Add a new reaction role to a message.

reactionrole add :wave: @pic perms

Adding a reaction role

Subcommand: reactionrole remove
Module: reactionroles
Description: Remove a reaction role from a message.

reactionrole remove :wave:

Removing a reaction role

Subcommand: reactionrole list
Module: reactionroles
Description: View all reaction roles.

reactionrole list

Viewing all set reaction roles in the current server

Subcommand: reactionrole clear
Module: reactionroles
Description: Remove all reaction roles.

reactionrole clear

Removes all the reaction roles from the server

Reaction Responders

Automatically react to messages.

Subcommand: reaction add
Module: reaction
Description: Add a new reaction trigger.

reaction add :skull: lmao

Adding a reaction responder

Subcommand: reaction list
Module: reaction
View all reaction triggers.

reaction list

List all avaliable reaction responders

Subcommand: reaction remove
Module: reaction
Remove a reaction trigger.

reaction remove :skull: lmao

Removes a reaction responder

Subcommand: reaction clear
Module: reaction
Remove all reaction triggers.

reaction clear

Removes all the reaction roles in the server