Server prefix is set to ; by default. Use ;prefix [symbol] to change it for your server.

Embed Setup:

To create a embed, you must know how to use parameters and variables.

All embed code will begin with {embed}. This is to specify that you want the content to be an embed instead of a normal message. Parameters will always begin with a left curly bracket to start your parameter.

Now that you know what content different parameters accept, you can finish your parameter! After your left curly bracket, you need to specify what parameter you want to use. A basic one, description, would be written like this: {description}. Now, you want to finish the rest of your parameter.

In the screenshot above, the embed parameters being used are title, description, color, author, footer, and content.


{ begins a parameter.

$v seperates the parameters.

} ends a parameter.

Multiple Parameters:

At some point, you will need to add multiple parameters to an embed. You can do this by inserting $v after your first parameter, then writing your next parameter just like you wrote your last one. Your output will look something like this:

{embed}{description: Hello}$v{title: Hi}

Using Variables in Parameters:

Variables can only be used in strings.

Variables are automatically replaced strings of text that vary depending on the user and guild. Structure of variables are similar to parameters, but you don’t need to add a colon anywhere. This is because variables output automated information, nothing will be set by you.

You can see in the image above, {guild.count} was inputted and the embed code turned that into the server’s member count. For a list of variables, click here.

Commands That Take Embeds:

If a * is added next to the command, it means the command will take raw text or an embed. All subcommands under invoke take both raw text or embeds.

  • welcome add*
  • leave add*
  • boost add*
  • level message*
  • lastfm embed*
  • joindm*
  • vanity message*