When running the fakepermissions command you will be asked to provide a permission, for example: ,fakepermissions @Moderator manage_nicknames

This command only allows the user to bypass permission checks in Evict they don’t actually get the permission, for example: A moderator gets ban_members permission through fake permissions, they will only be able to ban users by running ,ban through Evict and not any other bot or the Discord client.
PermissionNormal NameExample Action
create_instant_inviteCreate Instant InviteUsed to generate invite links for the server
kick_membersKick MembersUsed to remove members from the server
ban_membersBan MembersUsed to run the ban command
administratorAdministratorGrants all permissions
manage_channelsManage ChannelsUsed to create, edit, or delete channels
manage_guildManage ServerUsed to change server settings
add_reactionsAdd ReactionsUsed to add reactions to messages
view_audit_logView Audit LogUsed to view the server’s audit logs
priority_speakerPriority SpeakerGrants priority in voice channels
streamStreamUsed to stream video in a voice channel
read_messagesRead MessagesAllows reading messages in text channels
send_messagesSend MessagesUsed to send messages in text channels
send_tts_messagesSend TTS MessagesUsed to send text-to-speech messages
manage_messagesManage MessagesUsed to delete or pin messages
embed_linksEmbed LinksAllows embedding links in messages
attach_filesAttach FilesUsed to upload files in text channels
read_message_historyRead Message HistoryAllows reading the message history
mention_everyoneMention EveryoneUsed to mention @everyone and @here
external_emojisUse External EmojisAllows using emojis from other servers
view_guild_insightsView Server InsightsUsed to view server analytics and insights
connectConnectUsed to connect to a voice channel
speakSpeakUsed to speak in a voice channel
mute_membersMute MembersUsed to mute other members in voice channels
deafen_membersDeafen MembersUsed to deafen other members in voice channels
move_membersMove MembersUsed to move members between voice channels
use_voice_activationUse Voice ActivationAllows using voice activity instead of push-to-talk
change_nicknameChange NicknameUsed to change your own nickname
manage_nicknamesManage NicknamesUsed to change other members’ nicknames
manage_rolesManage RolesUsed to create, edit, or delete roles
manage_webhooksManage WebhooksUsed to create, edit, or delete webhooks
manage_expressionsManage ExpressionsUsed to manage emojis and stickers
use_application_commandsUse Application CommandsUsed to run slash commands
request_to_speakRequest to SpeakUsed to request to speak in a stage channel
manage_eventsManage EventsUsed to create, edit, or delete events
manage_threadsManage ThreadsUsed to manage threads
create_public_threadsCreate Public ThreadsUsed to create public threads
create_private_threadsCreate Private ThreadsUsed to create private threads
external_stickersUse External StickersAllows using stickers from other servers
send_messages_in_threadsSend Messages in ThreadsUsed to send messages in threads
use_embedded_activitiesUse Embedded ActivitiesUsed to start activities like games in voice channels
moderate_membersModerate MembersUsed to timeout members
view_creator_monetization_analyticsView Monetization AnalyticsUsed to view monetization analytics
use_soundboardUse SoundboardAllows using soundboard in voice channels
create_expressionsCreate ExpressionsUsed to create custom emojis or stickers
create_eventsCreate EventsUsed to create scheduled events
use_external_soundsUse External SoundsAllows using sounds from other servers
send_voice_messagesSend Voice MessagesUsed to send voice messages in text channels
send_pollsSend PollsUsed to create and send polls
use_external_appsUse External AppsAllows using apps from other servers